extending lean to the supply base to:                       Prevent Supply Chain Disruptions

identify, Quantify, and Prevent

Working around supply disruptions can become the norm. It starts with you, expect more. Overcoming supply disruptions requires speed. The speed and ability to expose problems imediately in the process and build in preventative measures. Urgency and flexibility are combined to become rapid mistake proofing.

Leanbreakthru works with your team to get the facts, and identify the key levels of risk, cost, service impacts, ideal work in process. We work with your team to identify the weaknesses within your playbook and implement rapid improvement. How do we “Stop the Stops?”, can you even see the “Stops”? When we hit the ground running we evaluate your ability to see and prevent “Stops’ from reoccuring on day 1.

We leverage your “Stop” data to create a comprehensive supply chain strategy.